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The Columbiettes are located in 23 States across the US and their locations are included in the map below. To find if there is an Auxiliary near you, type in your city or zip code and find what may be near you. If there are Columbiettes in your State but not near you, please see the list of contacts by State below the map and get in touch with that State. They will be happy to help you! If there is not an Auxiliary in your State, please see our How to Join page. Have questions? Send an email to office@columbiettes.com.
Contacts by State
Alabama Patti Dmuchowski patriciadmuchowski@hotmail.com
California Delana Romero delanaromero1@gmail.com
Connecticut Sue Berry ctstatepressue@att.net
Delaware Jill Mercer Jmercer1.decolumbiettes@gmail.com
​Florida Cheryl Hoebelheinrich gaylonh@bellsouth.net
Georgia Mary Schumann schumann2@mac.com Indiana Ginny Grant gjgrant@atmc.net
Iowa Tammy Higgins tdiowa.columbiettes@gmail.com
Maine Pam Desaulniers pjdmouse@gmail.com
Massachusetts Linda Ruggiero lindaruggiero0706@gmail.com
Michigan Linda Ziegler lzcolumbiettes@gmail.com
Missouri Vicki Bird vicki.ann.bird@gmail.com
New Mexico Sylvia Carrizales sylcarr3@gmail.com
New Jersey Fran Corcione mrsc417@hotmail.com
New York Gail Sheffer sheffer777@msn.com
North Carolina Kathy Thomas jkskthomas@gmail.com
Pennsylvania Lisa Wallace lcaponew3@gmail.com
Rhode Island Claudette Apple claudetteapple@att.net
South Carolina Lorraine Catoe lcatoe@bellsouth.net
Texas Maria Cruz mcruz1348@yahoo.com
Virginia Lisa Roberts billisa103@verizon.net
Washington Denise Brennan dabs58@gmail.com
Wisconsin Cathe Nicholson sacolumbiettes@yahoo.com