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Columbiettes in Action
The Columbiettes work with charities, enjoy each other’s company at meetings, attend great conventions, work with the Knights as needed, and give back to their Parish and Community. We love to take pictures and show off our activities, new members and how we work hard and have fun!
The boxes below scroll. Hover your mouse on a box and you will see arrows on the right and left to scroll. You may also click on the box to enlarge the pictures and scroll through.
If you have a picture to share, please email to columbiettewebmaster@gmail.com with the location (city, state) and a short description.
Listen to Georgia State President Mary Schumann and Supreme Vice President Janet Schuler on The Quest Catholic Radio in Atlanta, Ga and talk about the Columbiettes. https://podcast-player.atl.org/podcasts/1116b4e7-380b-4335-9670-880d503cd4e2?episode=Ecr%2FKrP%2FbL%2B4TAgp4rCpx9g2RAK4ML3%2FzqLpTeNHIFE%3D
New Members

Praying Together

Playing Together

Conventions 2024